Learn to Curl!
Curling is a sport for all ages and stages. Here are some helpful videos and details regarding the sport of curling and the learn to curl sessions we offer.

Adult Introduction to Curling
6 week program
November - December
Open to any adult (18+) member or non member, no cost. Indemnity agreement to sign upon arrival.
Program is designed for new curlers or others who want some coaching and tips. Approx 2 hours every Thursday, TBD
Will start with safety and basic curling. Earlier sessions will stress the mechanics and weight judgement of a consistent delivery. Later sessions will include sweeping and strategy as well as play a few ends.
Discover Curling- Getting Started as Adults
Learn Curling - Lessons for New Culers
Junior Curlers
8 years +
Open to any youth (8+) looking to try something new and learn the love of curling. Similar to the adult learn to curl the program will concentrate on the basics and evolve with the athlete's.
Paused for the 2024-2025 season
"Best part is getting to throw the rocks" - Declan M 8 years old